TPWGC Web Director 2021-2023
A proposed update of the TPWGC By-laws has been approved by the TPWGC Board. Per our current By-laws, this proposed update is to be posted for 30 days, after which we will call on a vote by our membership of the new By-laws. Voting will begin on March 14, 2023. You will receive an email on…
Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Soo Lee, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindi Velazquez, Cindy Deming, Sandy Wichelecki, Susan Boeshart, Michelle Natalier, MC Eastman, Absentees: Soo Lee, Patty Russell President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting at 4:00PM. President Jan Kelleher reported that we have received the final signed Special Use Permit (SUP)…
The club has experienced changes and challenges this year which, as a board, we tried our best to communicate to you via emails as things developed. But, did you know that our TPWGC website has a lot of other “basic” information to help you get the most out of your TPWGC membership? No? Well let me tell…
Proposed 2023 TPWGC Board. It is election time! As required by our club bylaws, membership is being presented with a slate of candidates nominated to fill the 2023 TPWGC Board positions. Voting will begin on December 10, 2022, 30 days after the posting of this article. Current members will receive an email on that day containing…
Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Soo Lee, Cindi Velazquez, Sandy Wichelecki, Susan Boeshart. Absentees: MC Eastman, Patty Russell, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindy Deming, Michelle Natalier President Kelleher summarized the series of interactions and meetings with the City Parks and Recreation golf division representatives over the past 11 months in efforts…
First Hole In One Of The Year My apologies to Sue Lyerly for the delay in announcing that she has recorded the first TPWGC Hole In One for 2022. MC Eastman, one of her playing partners, said that it was very exciting to watch!. Here are the facts Date: 6/21/2022Golf Course: Torrey Pines NorthHole: 8th…
Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindi Velazquez, Masako Schleifer, Cindy Deming, Sandy Wichelecki, Michelle Natalier, Susan Boeshart. Absentees: MC Eastman, Patty Russell President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting at 10:06 am. President Kelleher reported that the club has yet to receive a finalized SUP from the City,…
Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindi Velazquez, Masako Schleifer, Cindy Deming, Sandy Wichelecki, Michelle Natalier, Susan Boeshart Absentees: MC Eastman, Patty Russell President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting on January 12, 2022 at 12:07 pm President Kelleher asked Kitty Masters, Treasurer, to present the working budget for…
TPWGC Board MeetingDecember 29, 2021Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindi Velazquez, Masako Schleifer, Cindy Demming, Sandy Wichelecki, Susan Boeshart Absentees: Michelle Natalier, MC Eastman, Patty Russell President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting at 10:11am. Board meeting reports: President Kelleher reported that she just received word that the…
A message from your Sweeps Co-Directors Regarding Tee times Hello TPWGC Members! Wow! Tuesday’s tee time sign ups were crazy. The entire tee sheet filled in less than three minutes. The City reduced the number of tee time we have each date. We definitely saw the full effect of 20 less tee times in our outing.…