Meeting minutes

TPWGC January 4, 2023 Board Meeting

Attendees: Gina Menicucci, Kitty Masters, Sandy Wichelecki, Eunhwa Lenehan, Michelle Natalier, Laura Borja, Linda Holmgren, Michi Nakamura, Cindy Deming, Cindi Velasquez, Susan Boeshart

Absent: Soo Lee, MC Eastman, Jan Kelleher
President Wichelecki opened the meeting at 2:07pm, welcoming the new board members and thanking all for their time and work on the Board.

President Wichelecki moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. One additional correction was made and the corrected minutes motion was made and then seconded by Kitty Masters. The final minutes for October 12, 2022 was approved.

President Wichelecki addressed the issue of slow play. She asked the Board to continue to model appropriate pace of play and monitor the field for compliance. She advised that the Board should intervene where gaps are noted and assist slow groups to catch up whenever


Treasurer Kitty Masters reported a bank balance of $58,975.59 and liabilities of $45,198.78, however these amounts are not yet final until 2022 is officially closed. She presented a preliminary budget for 2023 based upon projected membership numbers and expense assumptions.

The group discussed possible budgets for Sweeps and Tournaments, looking at various scenarios for payouts. Gina Menicucci, Sweeps Accountant, will do an analysis of the scenarios to determine a working budget. Because the club is again open to receiving new members throughout the year, the budgets may vary.

Treasurer Kitty Masters informed the group that the Pro shop will transition into the handling of the membership’s Sweeps Accounts. She will submit a check for the entire sweeps balance this month to begin the transfer. Gina Menicucci, Sweeps Accountant, will have responsibility for submitting ongoing reports of members winnings from club play days and oversee the final posting by the Pro Shop.


Membership Director, Cindi Velasquez, reported that the club has now 260 members, including 23 new members since November. This is a significant drop from the previous year. It is expected that the fee increases implemented by the course golf management in 2022 had an impact on renewals. Cindi stated that she has updated the Master Roster to reflect current the membership.

Director Linda Holmgren, reminded the Board to email her for both sign ups and cancellations. She also underscored the late cancellation and no show policy implemented late last year. Instead of a fine, after 5 incidents, the member will be removed from the current tee sheets and unable to secure another for the period of one month. The rain policy remains unchanged and is explained on the website.

Sweeps Results:
No report.

Director Michi Nakamura asked that those running tournaments and sweeps let her know of any member having abnormal scores for their handicap, so that she may monitor.

Director Eunhwa Lenehan reported that the previous Rules Director gave her an overview of her job responsibilities. She asked the Board to let her know if there was anything additional that she should be aware of.

Laura Borja, Director, asked the group for a show of those who need access to Golf Genius admin in their capacities. She will make updates to the Rules areas, removal of the sweeps balance sheet and other minor modifications. It was agreed that with some of the recent changes in Board responsibilities and titles, the by-laws need another update. Susan Boeshart, Secretary, will make a draft update to send to the group for review before the next meeting.

Michelle Natalier plans to begin a monthly newsletter that will include a President’s message, a report of volunteer opportunities and activities, ace winners and similar notices. President Wichelecki and Michelle distributed a mock-up and asked for input from the group.
Michelle will send an eblast this week to members soliciting volunteers for the upcoming Under Tow event February 1.

Director Cindy Deming reported that during the last tournament she had great difficulty getting email responses from waitlisted members to fill last minute openings. She plans to add phone numbers for those waitlisted members for easier contact. 


President Wichelecki called for the next Board Meeting in 2-3 months. April 5th was selected
and scheduled at 11. She adjourned the meeting at 3:55 pm.