These are the sweeps games on the schedule for 2023
Hover over or tap each box to see the description
Ace Day
Low Gross and Low Net by flight
Baker's Dozen
Record the scores for all 18 holes.
The system will throw out your 5 worst ones (relative to par) and apply your FULL handicap to calculate your sweeps score.
Easy Rider
Record your score for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for the 9 easiest holes minus HALF your handicap.
Record your score for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for EVEN numbered holes minus HALF your handicap.
First 4 Last 5
Record the scores for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for holes 1-4 and 14-18 minus HALF your handicap
Forget Three
Record the scores for all 18 holes.
But you can forget about the 3 worst ones (relative to par) because the system will throw them out and apply your FULL handicap to calculate your sweeps score.
Long and Short
Record the scores for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for 4 shortest and 5 longest holes minus HALF your handicap
Long Johns
Record your score on all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for 9 longest holes minus HALF your handicap.
Record your score on all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for holes beginning with N, E and T minus HALF your handicap.
Odd/Even OR Even/Odd
Record your score on all 18 holes.
The system will use either odd in the front/even in the back or even in the front/Odd int he back in the back and apply half your handicap to calculate your sweeps score. Check the tee sheet to confirm format.
Record your score for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for odd numbered holes minus HALF your handicap.
Record your score on all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for holes beginning with O,N, E and S minus HALF your handicap.
Only Par 4s
Record your score for all 18 holes. Only the par 4s will count minus HALF your handicap
Play the Middle
Record your score for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be holes 5 through 13 minus HALF your handicap.
Receive points for based on the player's score in comparison to par.
Par: 2 pts Bogey: 1 pt
Double bogey & more: 0 pts
Birdie: 3 pts Eagle: 4 pts
Double Eagle: 5 pts
Triple Eagle or better: 6 pts
Hole in One: 6 pts
Gross and Net in each flight
Threes and Fives
Record your score for all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for all par 3's and par 5's minus HALF your handicap.
Record your score on all 18 holes.
Your sweeps score will be the scores for holes beginning with T, O and E minus HALF your handicap.
Triple Threat
Record your score on all 18 holes.
The system will count holes 1-3, 8-10 and 16-18 and apply HALF your handicap to calculate your sweeps score.