The 2023 Club Champions have now been crowned!

The high temperature on Day 1 was no match for our players, many of who recorded some of their best rounds of the year.

Day 2 brought thick fog, not ideal for those of us that never know where our ball will end up 🙂 
Despite the zero visibility, there was some great scoring throughout the divisions and flights.

And now…meet our  2023 Club Championship winners.


2023 TPWGC Club Champion

2023 Club Champion

The 2023 Club Champion is Cristina Lopez

Day 1: 78
Day 2: 76
Total: 154

2023 Senior Champion

The 2023 Senior Champion is Jan Kelleher

Day 1: 77
Day 2: 78
Total: 155

2023 Super Senior Champion

The 2023 Super Senior Champion is Patty Crigler

Day 1: 80
Day 2: 85
Total: 165

Congratulations to all the winners and all that participated.  Thank you to our VP/Tournament Director, Cindy Deming, for another successful tournament.