website resources

The club has experienced changes and challenges this year which, as a board, we tried our best to communicate to you via emails as things developed. But, did you know that our TPWGC website has a lot of other “basic” information to help you get the most out of your TPWGC membership? No? Well let me tell you about it!

External Links and Resources

Links and Resources Header

NEW! Helpful Links and Resources Page

Be sure to visit our newest page containing a variety of external links and resources.
You will find links to golf associations, organizations that we support, City of San Diego Golf Division information as well as volunteer opportunities.
Do you know of links and resources that might be helpful to our members? Then please share!!  Send your suggestion to and be sure to include your contact information in the email.

Who are you going to call email?

Though I love interacting with other members, I’m not necessarily the best first contact for some issues.

tpwgc website board page

Have you checked out The Board page?
There is a brief description under most of our board member's names/titles with their main area of responsibility. If you see an envelope under our title, it means that you can click on it to send that person a direct email. TIP: If you click on the envelope and nothing happens it means that you have not set up a default email program or app on your device.

Also, our contact page lists some common categories of questions and contact information of the board member that can assist you. Other than myself, the board member's personal phone numbers are not publicly listed on our website. If you do happen to have one of their numbers we simply ask that you please be considerate and use it only when truly needed and that you be mindful of the time of day. Getting a 10 PM phone call on Sunday about a Tuesday round sign up questions is not anyone's idea of fun.

The Rules

Most of you have probably read many of the awesome Mary’s Rules Corner articles published by our current Rules Director. These articles are a great way to learn about or brush up on your golf rules knowledge.

But did you know that club rules and policies are also published on our website? The Rules and Policies menu give you access to:


Membership to the club will now be open year round beginning on November 1st.  Current 2022 members must renew on or before December 31st or be subject to new member dues.  

Please don’t wait to receive an email from TPWGC to renew. SCGA does send notices 60, 30 and 7 days in advance of the membership expiration date but it is up to you to ensure that you are renewing prior to the expiration date or risk having an inactive GHIN #.

Membership Benefits

Your TPWGC membership includes a few perks that you should definitely take advantage of. 

Most of us know that TPWGC club dues includes SCGA membership. But did you know that it is much more than just a way to have a USGA/GHIN handicap index.  This article goes over some of those benefits. Your SCGA Member Benefits

And if you are interested in even more playing opportunities, check out the SDCWGA website. They publish a monthly newsletter called “County Capers” with the latest information about upcoming events, member updates etc. 

And of course, there is always the 20% discount on soft goods offered at the Torrey Pines Pro shop.
We know that it would be nice to spend our sweeps winnings once in a while on something without Torrey Pines logos but unfortunately we can’t.  The Special Use Permit with the City mandates that all sweeps money be used at the Torrey Pines Pro Shop, a private corporation not owned by the City of San Diego.

And Speaking of the City of San Diego

We do our best to provide you with accurate information regarding city policies, course maintenance,  etc. but the best source of that information is the City/Department websites.  Here is a list of City websites that you might find helpful.

Course Maintenance Information

Current Green Fees

City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Golf Division Home Page

Parks and Recreation Organization Structure

Municipal Golf Committee Information

Parks and Recreation FY 2023 Adopted Budget  The Golf Course portion starts on page 16 of the PDF.