Meeting minutes

Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Soo Lee, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindi Velazquez, Cindy Deming, Sandy Wichelecki, Susan Boeshart, Michelle Natalier, MC Eastman,

Absentees: Soo Lee, Patty Russell

President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting at 4:00PM.

President Jan Kelleher reported that we have received the final signed Special Use Permit (SUP) from the City. President Kelleher stated that the Torrey Pines Men’s Club has different specifications (increase of annual per member fee to $60, no additional $20 “access fee” for members paying greens fees, public inserted in the weekend play, cash donation of $10-15K to a City of SD Park and Rec program and volunteers for a divot filling program at the course). She also stated that the Men’s Club SUP has not yet been signed. There is a of the Municipal Golf Committee scheduled for October 20, 2022 that is open for those who wish to attend

Membership: Cindi Velasquez, Membership Director, explained how the club will transition to open enrollment throughout the year. The current membership will have Dec 31 as the renewal date. SCGA will send notices to cue members to go to the portal to renew. She will work with the web director to update the verbiage on the website and develop a communication to the membership.

Treasurer: Treasurer Kitty Masters reviewed calculations of the fixed and variable costs for next year, using two membership assumptions. She reviewed some of the options to modify the variable budgets, in particular sweeps and tournament areas.

Mary Shepperd made a motion to set the dues for next year at $145 for renewing members. New members will pay an additional $35. Sandy Wichelecki, seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Sweeps: Linda Holmgren and Sandy Wichelecki will work together on any changes needed to meet anticipated budget amounts. Linda led a discussion of proposed changes to the late cancellation and no show policy. She and Sandy will work with the Web Director on verbiage for the website.

New Business:

President Kelleher appointed MC Eastman and Michi Nakamura to a nominating committee for next year’s Board. There are several open positions to fill and the slate needs to be posted by November 15th for December 16, 2022 voting

Mary Shepperd, Rules Director, reported that USGA will have another rules update in 2023 and that she will make herself available to assist the club in getting up to speed.

Michelle Natalier, Special Events Coordinator, stated that she would like to take on additional responsibilities. President Kelleher tasked her with visibility promotions or news pieces for posting on the website. These would include the activities the members are doing outside the club to promote the game of golf and similar projects.

Laura Borja, Kitty Masters and Soo Lee were tasked with working with Torrey Pro Shop to streamline our sweeps process.

Linda Holmgren distributed a proposed calendar for 2023. It was reviewed and some changes were suggested.

President Kelleher adjourned the meeting at 5:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Boeshart
TPWGC Secretary