Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Patty Crigler, Fran McClure, Kitty Masters, Mary Middleton, Susan Boeshart, Michi Nakamura, Ellen Kohls, Linda Holmgren, Judy Dennis, Brenda Hetherington, MC Eastman 

Non-attendees:  Masako Schleifer, Patty Russell 

President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting at 1:30 pm. 


Vice-President/Tournament Director:  Patty Crigler reported that the pay-outs for the Gross and Net Ace of Aces in November will now be funded from the Tournament budget.  Patty also noted that rules questions and disputes that occur during tournament play are to be brought immediately after completion of play to the Tournament Committee for resolution.  The Pro Shop staff is not part of the Tournament Committee. 

Secretary:  No report 

Treasurer:  Kitty Masters reported that as of December 31, 2019, the Club’s balance is $49,463.  This includes the sweeps liability, City reserve, and 2020 dues received in 2019.  Year-end financials are not yet finalized but the estimated equity is $9000 

Membership:  Mary Middleton reported that there are 264 members on the 2020 membership roster.  There are 230 renewals and 34 new members.  There were 45 members who did not renew for 2020. 

Rules:  Susan Boeshart reported that the temporary Local Rule that allows a penalty-free drop in the rough after a one-minute search will continue until the City chooses to eliminate the rule.  The website will advise members as to when the Rule is no longer in effect. 

Handicap:   Michi Nakamura emphasized that on sweeps days, members must post their adjusted scores by midnight to be eligible for sweeps pay-outs.  Revised indexes will now be issued on Mondays and will be used the next day in sweeps play.  Patty Crigler has volunteered to create Handicap cards for sweeps days that will have each player’s “pops” included.  This will aid in adjusting scores for the new World Handicap System.  The maximum handicap that may be used on sweeps days is 40 and 36 in tournaments. 

Sweeps Director – Tee Times:  Linda Holmgren reported that members who do not cancel their scheduled sweeps tee times at least eight days (Monday) in advance are subject to a $10 fine which will be deducted from their sweeps account.  Fran McClure will assist Linda in contacting members who cancelled late or were no-shows.

Sweeps Director – Results:  Ellen Kohls needs to see last names and first initials on the results sheet.  There are members who share the same last name so including first initials is important in determining whom to award sweeps winnings.  If there is doubt, no sweeps winnings will be awarded to players who did not sign in as requested.

Sweeps Accountant:  No report 

Social Director:  No report 

SCGA Representative:  MC Eastman reported that the SCGA information posted on the Bulletin  Board in the sign-in room will not be available until after the completion of the Farmer’s Open.

Webmaster:  Brenda Hetherington requested that the 2020 budget include money for any fixes or improvements of the website that might be needed during the year. 

New Business:  Jan Kelleher opened a discussion on how to improve pace of play on sweeps days.  To better track pace-of-play of groups on sweeps days, the Handicap scorecard must be turned in with start and finish times written on the bottom of the cards.  A group wants to finish no more than 15 minutes behind the group in front of them.  It is the responsibility of every player in a group to be aware of the group’s position in relation to the group in front of them.  If behind, the group needs to speed up play and attempt to catch up with the group ahead. 

Jan asked Board members to review their roles and responsibilities in the By-Laws to see if they are consistent with their current duties.  There will be a Committee formed to look at the By-Laws to determine if they need to be updated.

President Kelleher adjourned the meeting at 3:05 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,
 Fran McClure
TPWGC Secretary