Attendees: Susan Boeshart, Patty Crigler, Ellen Kohls, Linda Holmgren, Kitty Masters, Masako Schleifer, Michi Nakamura, Judy Dennis, Brenda Hetherington, Mary Middleton, Patty Russell, Jan Kelleher, Fran McClure
Absentees: MC Eastman
At 8:02 am, President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting. The meeting was held online, using Zoom.
Board Reports:
President: Jan thanked Linda Holmgren for continuing to take sweeps sign-ups throughout the Club’s six-week shutdown for Covid-19. In addition, Jan thanked Patty Crigler and Michi Nakamura for their time and effort in determining sweeps results when play resumed in May. Without access to paper scorecards, they put in 2-3 hours on the GHIN website, looking up each participant’s hole-by-hole scores to determine the final results on each sweeps day.
Treasurer: Kitty Masters presented the 2020 budget for final approval. It was moved, seconded, and approved. As of July 31, the Club’s cash balance is $43,099.40. Net assets (net of the Club’s liabilities including Sweeps money) are $20,562.96. Masako Schleifer thanked Kitty for helping her with sweeps accounts during her leave-of-absence from the Board.
Membership: Mary Middleton explained the effects on the Club if new members join throughout the year instead of coming in only at the beginning of the year with renewing members. It would affect the budget, sweeps monies, and accounting processes as well as affecting the ongoing maintenance of several club duties and activities. Mary keeps a notification list for prospective new members and contacts them when the window opens for them to apply for membership. It was decided not to change the current policy.
VP/Tournaments: Patty Crigler was happy to report that the Club now has Premium access to the Golf Genius portal. This was arranged in a cooperative effort with the Torrey Pines Men’s Club. Patty will serve as the Golf Genius Manager. There will be a learning curve for all involved. When ready, Patty will be in contact with the membership with the “how-tos” of using the different features of the program.
Sweeps Director: Linda Holmgren spoke to the limitation of the Club’s website to accommodate requests of different foursomes who sign up for the same tee time. By default, one of the foursomes is assigned another tee time, often much later than the one requested.
Patty Crigler mentioned that sweeps sign-ups can be done through the Golf Genius portal. Linda will check on the possibility of using Golf Genius as a better alternative to the Club’s website.
Rules: Susan Boeshart requested that the newly implemented Hole-in-One form, to be completed by any member who scores a hole-in-one in a sweeps or tournament competition, be posted on the Club’s website.
New Business:
The Board recommended a change in the Bylaws to make the Webmaster a voting member of the Board of Directors. A vote of the general membership needs to be taken to amend a By-law. The Board will check into the possibility of having a General Meeting later in the year.
Because of a time-restraint, the Board meeting was adjourned by President Kelleher at 9:05 am.
There was unfinished business, so the Board will meet again on August 26, to complete the items on the agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran McClure
TPWGC Secretary