Present: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Kitty Masters, Cindy Velasquez, Masako Schleifer, Mary Shepperd, Judy Dennis, Susan Boeshart, Laura Borja
Absent: Patty Russell, Patty Crigler, MC Eastman, Ellen Kohls
The meeting was called to order by President, Jan Kelleher at 10:08 am.
The following reports were made:
Rules: Rules Director, Mary Shepperd asked for comments regarding updates made to TPWGC Local Rules. A motion was MSP to approve the changes and adopt the rules. They will be posted on the website and sent to all members via eblast. Plans are to post further rules features and FAQ’s on the website.
Treasurer: Kitty Masters reported that as of 12/31/2020, the club had $7,845 in equity. As of 1/31/2021, the club had $48,589 in cash and $29,254 in equity. The proposed 2021 budget was approved.
Webmaster: Laura Borja reported that she continues to make improvements on the new website in support of regular and “Roam from Home” play dates. There is a flow of member information from GHIN and Golf Genius involved that needs to be monitored for accuracy. She will work with the Membership Director to achieve this.
She reported plans to post an updated President’s Message that will recap all of the procedural changes recently made.
Handicap: Michi Nakamura reported that she is working with a number of new members who need to establish handicaps. Most members have posted correctly for the temporary green on North # 18.
Sweeps Accountant: Masako Schleifer reported that a few of member accounts are keeping balances over $300. She is looking to find alternatives that will encourage members to spend these balances down.
Sweeps Results: Jan Kelleher and Linda Holmgren are getting up to speed on the Golf Genius system in order to help produce correct sweeps tee sheets and results. As this is time-consuming, additional Board members will be trained for back-up.
Sweeps Tee Times: Linda Holmgren reported that efforts to create an equitable system for all members to obtain tee times is underway. The rules for tee time requests will be communicated to the membership, clarifying when members can sign up a full foursome and when it is member only or member plus 1.
Other business: President Kelleher stated that is not known if we will have our annual Holiday Luncheon in December this year. She urged the Board to consider other viable options, if we do not.
President Kelleher closed the meeting at 10:59 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Boeshart
TPWGC Secretary