Welcome To The Torrey Pines Women's Golf Club News Center

As one of the region’s largest Women’s Golf Clubs, TPWGC is committed to providing its members with the latest news and information to make the most out of their membership. The Torrey Pines Women’s Golf Club News Center is where you will find ALL of the latest updates on everything from USGA rules to technology. 

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TPWGC Mary's Rules Corner

Rules Questions Recap

During the last few months, I’ve received a lot of really good rules questions. So, this edition of Mary’s Rules Corner is a Q&A list of some of those questions. I LOVE receiving your rules questions, so feel free to contact me any time a rules question comes up during your round.  Q: If a…

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TPWGC Mary's Rules Corner

The Rules of golf can be your friend!

When the rules of golf are your friend rather than a burden. Sometimes it seems the Rules of Golf are a burden….a little bad luck, an innocent mistake and BAM! You’re stuck taking one or two penalty strokes. But what’s important is that the more you know about the Rules of Golf, the more they…

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TPWGC Mary's Rules Corner

Q & A

Hello TPWGC! We’ve covered a variety of rules topics in the last 6 months or so. This month we are doing a Q&A. I’m going to provide answers to rules questions I’ve received on the fly recently. All different topics, so hold onto your hats, and away we go….. Taking Relief from a Sprinkler Head…

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Mary's Rules Corner header

The General Area

In my last Rules Corner, I addressed the Local Rule for relief from sprinkler heads around the putting green. In that discussion I mentioned “the General Area,” and I received the question, what is the General Area? USGA defines areas of the course this way: The Teeing Area of the hole being played All Penalty…

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Mary's Rules Corner header

2019 Major Rules Changes Recap

Hello TPWGC!  Happy New Year, and to those of you that are new members at TPWGC, welcome!! I originally wrote the following article in October, but itturns out our Web Director, Laura Borja, becomes VERY busy at year end with new members, web updates, and much more. Therefore, we’ll plan on a year-end hiatus for Mary’s Rules Corner…

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rake bunkers

Care of the course: Bunkers

Mary’s Rules Corner Special Edition: Care of the course- smoothing bunkers Golf courses pulled the rakes from bunkers as part safety measures during the COVID19 pandemic.  As a result, the USGA allowed club/courses to apply special local rules giving players free relief from “disturbed” areas of bunkers since players were not able to rake bunkers.…

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Do you have a topic you would like to see covered in the Torrey Pines Women’s Golf Club News Center? Send us a message!