TPWGC Board Meeting
December 29, 2021
Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindi Velazquez, Masako Schleifer, Cindy Demming, Sandy Wichelecki, Susan Boeshart
Absentees: Michelle Natalier, MC Eastman, Patty Russell
President Jan Kelleher opened the meeting at 10:11am.
Board meeting reports:
President Kelleher reported that she just received word that the SUP with the City is nearly final and that the increase in the annual fees requested has been approved by the legal team reviewing the document. She stated that the club will submit a check for the fees required for 2021. A payment of the 2022 fees will be made at the first of February, assuming that the SUP is finalized.
Laura Borja, Web Director, distributed a handout of web-related information designed to clarify the club’s League vs. Master Roster and answer common tech questions/issues members have using the portal. She will post these FAQ’s on our website. She reviewed many of the details and stated that the Master Roster for the club be used to send eblasts and for individual event communications, the League Roster should be used.
She also reported that the Tournament Management system(blue icon app) currently used will be phased out by USGA. Going forward, the club will use Golf Genius (orange icon app).
Linda Holmgren, Sweeps Co-Director, reported that the 2022 calendar has been finalized. She will handle all activities prior to the play day and Sandy Wichelecki, her co-director, will handle all other duties on day of play and after. She stated that the “Day of Play” procedure needs to be updated on the website to reflect current practices.
Linda also proposed a cancellation policy of $10 fine for any cancels after 7pm the Friday before play, and for those members who “no show” a $20 fine shall be
imposed. She proposed that there will no longer be an excused fine for illness or emergency. Those members with 3 “no shows” within the calendar year will be
suspended from play. The Rain Policy will require players to come to the course the day of play and cancel with the staff at the payment desk, if the conditions warrant it.
Laura will update the “Day of Play” procedure and the cancellation/no show and rain policies on the portal.
Cindi Velasquez, Membership Director, reported a total of 250 renewing and 39 new members to date. She will send out a reminder email to members who have not yet renewed. Member, Soo Lee, will assist Cindi in assuring that SCGA and GHIN emails for members match.
Cindy Deming, Tournament Director, proposed a change in the requirements for participation in the club championship. Since there are fewer play dates and fewer tee times, members may have difficulty meeting the required number of plays to be eligible. She proposed waiving this requirement. The proposal was passed unanimously.
Kitty Masters, Treasurer, previously submitted YTD financials via email, but the final will be prepared after the year closes. She stated that with a finalized SUP, the 2022 budget can be prepared. She asked that those with budget items be thinking about their respective needs. President Kelleher stated that, in light of the need to close the meeting, she would like to call special budget meeting with those involved in the coming weeks. She also plans to have a Board review and discussion session when the finalized SUP is delivered.
President Kelleher adjourned the meeting at 11:49 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Boeshart TPWGC Secretary