Meeting minutes

Board Members Present:  Masako Schleifer, Mary Shepperd, Laura Borja, Cindi Velasquez, Michi Nakamura and Linda Holmgren

Not Present:  Susan Boeshart, Kitty Masters and Judy Dennis

Meeting was called to order by President Jan Kelleher at 2:40pm.

Jan Kelleher informed the Board, that Patty Crigler and Ellen Kohls are both officially stepping down from their Board positions effective immediately.  As a result, the Board needs a new VP/ Tournament Director and a Sweeps Results Director. Through an internal search as well as asking the membership two candidates were presented.

Cindy Deming (TPWGC Member in good standing) was presented for a vote for VP/ Tournament Director.

All present board members voted “yes” for approval.

Sandy Wichelecki (TPWGC member in good standing) was presented to fill the Sweeps Results Director position. 

All present Board members voted “yes” for approval.

Current Board will begin working with these new Board members immediately. TPWGC emails and Golf Genius access will be updated by Web Director, Laura Borja.

There was a brief discussion about this year’s Club Championship. Only 4 rounds are required, instead of 6, to be eligible this year due to less play dates.  

This information will be relayed to our members via email.

Bylaw Updates

Mary and Susan were tasked and have worked hard on reviewing and updating our club bylaws to meet our current needs and align with our software system (Golf Genius) and the digital format of our club.

The Social Director position was discussed, a continuation of past Board meetings. There has not been a Holiday Luncheon allowed for the past 2 years due to Covid and shot gun starts were not allowed.  Secondly, the cost of the luncheon at the Hilton and the lack of other reasonably priced locations had the Board unanimously agreed that it was not financially feasible to continue the “Holiday Luncheon”.

Adding our Roam From Homes last year proved to be a positive experience for members. The position was filled by a Presidential appointee in 2021.  We hope to continue with a limited number for 2022 to fill in our calendar. The Social Director position will become an Events Director position. This will need to go to our full membership for vote as this would be a change in our Bylaws.

Cindy Velasquez, Membership Director, discussed that there is nothing in our bylaws stating it must be female that joins our club. It is however stated in our Membership requirements that they must be over 18 and female. This was tabled as Membership had it covered. If there is a transgender issue, we have agreed to follow what USGA and SCGA guidelines recommend.

Mary Shepperd and Laura Borja brought up the subject of the “Nominating Committee” for the upcoming Board members.

The Board concluded to minimize the committee to 3 members, 2 current Board members and one non board member. This will be added to the bylaws.

Those people nominated will be posted on our website for 30 days and then members will have 10 days to submit their email.

Linda Holmgren, Cindy Deming and the Events Director will work on the calendar for 2022. The Club will continue to move forward anticipating approval of the SUP.

Special Use Permit meeting: 

Jan Kelleher, Susan Boeshart and Linda Holmgren met Friday 9/24 with Scott Bentley, (Golf Operation Deputy Director) John Howard ( Asst Deputy Director) and Matty Reyes from the City to discuss the Special Use Permit.  The meeting was at the request of the Golf Directors.

A brief recap of the meeting was presented by Jan Kelleher.

Scott was the main speaker during the meeting. He delivered a verbal proposal on how to the “close the financial gap “ that our club, and the mens club have created by having valuable set tee times during the year. He then entered into a discussion that to close this gap our club members could be asked to Marshal the course. Scott Bentley verbally relayed that between our two Clubs, the City is losing $270,000 a year ( To advanced tee times charges for residents  and nonresident bookings. )

There was discussion about what this means.   He showed us a copy and a highlighted paragraph from our SUP.  It was suggested that perhaps our clubs were not the best uses of the Premises for the general public.

It was then suggested by Scott, that to close the financial gap, the clubs would provide our members to volunteer in their Marshal/Ambassador program. Susan Boeshart then asked for details and Scott’s reply was “28 volunteers a week for 4 hour shifts”. 

 Ou Board Members felt it would be wrong to enter into any kind of contract that requires our members to be Marshal/Ambassador for the general public. We do marshal our own group and we have no pace of play issue. There was more discussion about other ways to close the financial gap. Jan Kelleher and Susan asked Scott to give a written proposal with numbers on different options by 10/15 so we can get correct information regarding membership for 2022.

The Board agreed unanimously that this mandated Marshal/ Ambassador program is an unacceptable position to be in our contract or SUP.   The Board voted unanimously to vote No! 

Jan Kelleher said we could collaborate and try to help them find volunteers within our group. 

Membership for 2022 will be postponed until 11/1/21. There will probably not be an earlier window for new members.  All members will sign up at the same time.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Holmgren| Sweeps Director