Attendees: Jan Kelleher, Michi Nakamura, Linda Holmgren, Mary Shepperd, Soo Lee, Cindi Velazquez, Sandy Wichelecki, Susan Boeshart.
Absentees: MC Eastman, Patty Russell, Kitty Masters, Laura Borja, Cindy Deming, Michelle Natalier
President Kelleher summarized the series of interactions and meetings with the City Parks and Recreation golf division representatives over the past 11 months in efforts to negotiate and finalize a new Special Use Permit (SUP).
Today’s meeting with those parties was another follow up to address an identified $90K financial “gap” created by TPWGC’s use of the course. It was previously proposed to the club that our volunteer activities and donations to support or promote growing the game of golf could be quantified to offset the perceived gap. The membership was polled and a spreadsheet of those activities was presented for review. Only a small proportion of those activities were ultimately deemed acceptable, leaving a sizable deficit to the funds requested by the City.
Filling golf course divots was previously identified as another option for ”closing the gap “. Although the membership respondents were in general in favor of doing this during their playing rounds, upon further clarification from the city, the expectation is that members would volunteer to be a part the “Divot Program”, including obtaining specialized training and having specified shifts to work. The Board determined this not to be workable for the club to commit to.
The City staff then proposed a $20 “booking fee” to be added to the regular green fees for our members on each play day. This is in addition to the $50 annual “access fee” outlined in the new SUP. It was also stipulated that the club/ membership continue to support the local community golf organizations ( SD Parks Foundation, SCGA Junior Golf, Pro Kids and the like) and ensure that open enrollment in the club is maintained throughout the year.
In exchange, TPWGC will have 4 hours of consecutive tee times (total of 108 golfers) starting as early as 6:15 each play day and play exclusively on the North course. We were informed that if the SUP was not signed by 8/31/2022, the contract would be cancelled effective immediately and all play days forward would
be forfeited.
A proposal was made to go forward with signature on the contract and it was passed unanimously. President Kelleher will sign the SUP by the end of this week, as possible. President Kelleher asked for several volunteers to draft a communication of these changes to the membership in advance of the
Mary Shepperd, Rules Director, proposed to schedule a working meeting with relevant Board Members to address all the changes in procedures and processes needed to accommodate the new SUP requirements. This group will look at options for reducing expenses, such as Sweeps and Tournament budgets, to help to offset the increased costs to the membership. She will coordinate this working meeting to be held in October.
President Kelleher adjourned the meeting at 5:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Boeshart
TPWGC Secretary