A proposed update of the TPWGC By-laws has been approved by the TPWGC Board. Per our current By-laws, this proposed update is to be posted for 30 days, after which we will call on a vote by our membership of the new By-laws.
Voting will begin on November 19, 2021. You will receive an email on that date with a link to a voting form. The email will have additional details on the voting process. Voting will close on November 29, 2021 at noon.
The proposed update can be found below or you can access it by downloading a PDF version of it.
Please review the proposed By-laws and notify us if you have any questions or concerns that should be addressed before we vote to approve them. The current version of the By-laws can be found on our website here: https://tpwgc.com/about-us/club-bylaws/
A summary of the major changes is as follows:
- Updates of Duties and Responsibilities of all Board positions to reflect our current activities. There is no change to the number of Board positions, but we have renamed Social Director to Social/Events Director to reflect an expanded role.
- Reflect more accurately how much of our business in conducted on-line, including voting, meetings & general communication, payment of fees etc.
- Change General Meetings to be held as possible instead of required, since both current environment and general logistics make holding general meeting for this club problematic.
- Identify the Board’s ability to obtain tee-times one day in advance of general membership (not a change, but detailed for clarity)
The Board would like to thank Susan Boeshart and Mary Shepperd for all their work in the updating of the by-laws.
Please send any comments or requests to: President@tpwgc.com
The name of the Club shall be the Torrey Pines Women’s Golf Club (“TPWGC”). This Club shall be a non-profit organization.
- To promote the interest of golf, supervise and conduct competitive golf events for amateur golfers.
- To establish and maintain proper handicaps according to USGA World Handicap System and to cooperate and comply with USGA Rules of Golf.
- To hold weekly events and special tournaments throughout the year, when possible.
- To play by USGA rules modified by Local Rules.
- To promote and hold such social and recreational activities as the membership may desire, whenever possible.
- In accordance with the USGA definition of amateur status, residing within the San Diego County limits, any amateur golfer age 18 or over, of good character, who can meet the membership qualifications as decided by the Board of Directors shall be eligible for membership.
- Members shall agree to abide by and support the By-Laws and general policies of the club, observe course etiquette and proper conduct and play by USGA Rules. Members must be in good standing, and show good moral conduct and not be subject to any disciplinary process or sanction of the Club, other clubs, and affiliated Associations. Abuse by any member may result in disciplinary action, subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Acceptance of membership is at the sole discretion of Torrey Pines Women’s Golf Club Board of Directors.
- Membership fees for home club members include dues, sweeps, tournaments, handicap services and new member assessment. Club fees will not be prorated. Any change in fees must be passed on by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Membership fees are payable in advance for the fiscal year. Due date for all membership fees shall be determined by the Board and posted on the website. Members shall have until January 31st in which to pay fees before being considered in arrears and dropped from the membership rolls.
- Renewals and new members must apply and pay fees online through the website or through SCGA. Current members with sufficient funds may pay dues using their Sweeps money.
- The government of this club shall be vested in a Board of elected officers consisting of President, Vice President/Major Tournament Director, Secretary, Treasurer, two Sweeps Co-Directors, Sweeps Accountant, Handicap Director, Membership Director, Rules Director, Web Director, Social/Events Director and Parliamentarian.
- The Parliamentarian shall be the outgoing President, a non-voting advisor.
- To be elected Torrey Pines Women’s Golf Club President, a nominee must conform not only to the requirements of Article III, Sec. 1A and 2 under membership, but must have been a member of the Board for at least one year.
- Term of office shall be one year (January 1 to December 31).
- All vacancies in office, except that of President, shall be filled by a vote of the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall transact all business of the Club and report same to the members and perform any executive duties assigned by the Club. The Board is further empowered to meet all necessary expenses from the funds of the Club Treasury in performance of their duties.
- The Board shall hold a meeting quarterly or when necessary.
- A Board member who misses two (2) meetings (unexcused) shall be replaced by the Board.
- Each member of the Board of Directors may, and the Tournament Director shall, have one or more assistants as needed. The Rules Director shall be included as a member of the Sweeps and Tournament committees.
- Present Board Members shall have a one-day advantage to sign up for tee time on TPWGC playdays.
- Newly elected officers shall assume their duties the first of January.
- The President shall appoint the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee from the members of the current Board of Directors, both voting and non-voting. Two (2) additional members for the Nominating Committee shall be appointed from the General Membership by the President and Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
- The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates which will be posted on the website and remain posted for thirty (30) days prior to voting. All candidates must have given their consent to have their names placed on the slate. Thereafter, the membership, by e-mail ballot, will be given the opportunity to accept the slate of the Nominating Committee or place an opposing candidate’s name for any office(s) on the slate. If any one of the offices is contested, ballots will be prepared for voting on the contested office(s) and the winner determined by simple majority. If none of the offices is contested, the slate presented by the Nominating Committee shall be deemed to be accepted and no further voting will take place.
- The elected officers will be installed in December and take office on January 1 of the following year.
- The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings. The President may cancel, reschedule, or call General Meetings, Board Meetings or special meetings as is necessary for the business of the club. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall have general supervision over affairs of the club. In the event the past President is not available for Parliamentarian, the President shall appoint said Parliamentarian.
- The VICE-PRESIDENT shall also be the TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR. In the absence or inability of the President to act, the Vice President shall perform the powers and duties herein prescribed for the President; shall conduct all tournaments except weekly sweeps, shall prepare an annual calendar of tournaments; shall see that the conditions of the competition are posted prior to the tournament; and appoint one or more assistants as deemed necessary. THE RULES DIRECTOR SHALL BE A MEMBER OF THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE.
- The SECRETARY shall record and keep minutes of General Meetings and Board Meetings of the club; shall attend to all necessary correspondence and perform the amenities of the club and shall notify the members as to the time and place of all unscheduled meetings.
- The TREASURER shall pay all legitimate bills approved by the Board of Directors. A written report of all receipts and expenditures shall be rendered at all regular meetings and an annual report at the end of the calendar year. All checks issued by the Treasurer may be signed by the Treasurer or the President. THE BOOKS SHALL BE EXAMINED AT THE END OF THE TREASURER’S TERM OF OFFICE.
- The MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR shall collect all member dues and turn all monies over to the Treasurer together with a list of members and shall instruct new members with club procedures.
- The RULES DIRECTOR shall be responsible for advising the President and the membership on the Rules of Golf, cooperating with the Tournament and Sweeps Directors in planning and conducting competitions and promoting knowledge of and adherence to the USGA Rules of Golf.
- The HANDICAP DIRECTOR shall educate and maintain members’ handicaps as set forth in the USGA/World Handicap System.
- The SWEEPS CO-DIRECTORS shall be responsible for all weekly sweeps and for preparing a yearly calendar. They shall be responsible for sign-up sheets, pairings, tee times and for determining winners, posting results of sweeps play and notifying the Sweeps Accountant (and Treasurer) of payoffs.
- The SWEEPS ACCOUNTANT shall keep an accurate record of all members’ individual accounts of winnings from Sweeps and Tournaments. The Sweeps Accountant shall coordinate with the Pro Shop the members’ expenditures of their accounts.
- The WEB DIRECTOR shall oversee the club’s website and communications systems. She will also coordinate with any contracted companies providing web or other technology services necessary to run the club.
- The SOCIAL/EVENTS DIRECTOR shall plan and arrange all social functions of the club, and plan and conduct special events such as “Roam from Homes.”
- The PARLIAMENTARIAN shall give the necessary advice in Parliamentary procedure at all Board Meetings and General Meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised), shall act as Chairperson of the By-Laws Revision Committee but shall be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors
Presidential appointees will not be sitting members of the Board of Directors and shall have no voting rights in club matters.
The SCGA Delegate attends meetings, reports information concerning SCGA activities to the Board and keeps membership abreast of SCGA activities in which they may participate.
Two (2) General Meetings will be held during the year if possible: November Turkey Shoot and December Christmas Tournament. A quorum of a General Meeting must consist of 5% of the membership. In the event a General Meeting is not held, members will receive communication via e-mails and notification to review the website for announcements.
The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular meeting or by vote via e-mail. The proposed amendment must be posted at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting it is to be voted upon. If adopted, the amendment shall become part of the By-Laws IMMEDIATELY.
Any procedure not provided for in these articles shall be decided by provisions of Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised).